Trillium Flower Essence

IMG_0819Trillium flowers are present in the woods now and I want to share my love of this flower and its wonderful use as energy medicine.

Trillium (Trillium ovatum) sometimes called Robin of the wood, or Wake Robin is a beautiful flower with 3 petals, 3 sepals, 3 stamina, and 3 leaves. It starts out as a white flower that’s color transforms during its ageing process by going from white, to pink then to purple. The number 3 (sacred number to the celts), sacred in ancient story telling, tells us that it has 3 distinct qualities. Traditionally used as herb called “beth root” (birth root), and is useful as a tonifying astringent for the uterus in preparation for birth, or for those with a weepy boggy womb. It is used to help those with heavy menstrual flows due to uterine fibroids.

As a flower essence for energy medicine we can look to the doctrine of signatures to read the energy signature. The deep green color of 3 leaves and stem relates to the heart chakra, the 3 white petals for the top of our head (spirit) crown, and the 3 yellow/gold pistils and stamina relates to our solar plexus, and acts as a bridge between all three for maximum healing and be-ing. So this would equate to letting our heart lead our head instead of vice versa and then aligning our hearts desire, our heart centered thoughts with our will.

I had an beautiful powerful encounter with the overlighting deva of the land-a forest where Trillium grew in abundance along the upper Grey Wolf river where the river bank is swollen with Hexagonal basalt formations.

I sat down and quieted myself and had a vision of a huge forest goddess being that stepped out from the bank across the river, She stood nearly 30 feet tall and glided over the river, she was a kaleidoscope of green and had long mossy hair that flowed down. She held out a single trillium in her outstretched hands toward me and asked me to look deeply into the flower. I stared into the flower and was suddenly pulled down into the 3 streams of golden light and was traveling very fast down a tri-tubular energy vortice, I was carried and  I arrived in a quiet place filled with bright gold, I heard her speak. “You humans are always searching for the gold-literally and metaphorically that which you generally believe is somewhere outside of you, don’t you know that it is all within you? Everything you need is already inside of you. If you knew this you would cease striving for happiness, wealth, health, fame, approval, god/goddess you are already whole.” I sat for a few minutes in this energy and let myself just be, then I was back and she said “remember this”.

“The Gold Is Within”.

Victoria Reddick ©

8 thoughts on “Trillium Flower Essence

  1. Green art and plant photos are so beautiful on your blog! I think your readers might like my blog at Thank you for allowing my comments.


  2. Thank you for this wonderful information. Loved the meditation that came to you. I am being drawn to use trillium in my healing work. Thank you, catherine


    1. Thank you Cathrine for your nice comment about the Trillium .
      I have been fortunate to have seen your beautiful artwork over the past few years on the Kitsap open Studio tour. I had not known about the healing work you do and chi kung.


  3. Shirley Wolf introduced me to you and I love this writing from and of the trillium plant, one of my favorites. I reposted to my facebook group.

    I have an online radio show, Weaving the World, and would love to have you as a guest. Let me know if that sounds interesting to you.


    Sharon Riegie-
    can one subscribe to you blog and get notices of new articles?


    1. Hi Sharon,
      I am glad you enjoyed reading about the flowers and the site. Shirley had told me about you and the wonderful work you do too. Yes- you can subscribe for regular updates right here at the blog. Yes- I would love to be a guest on your online radio program Weaving the World…I look forward to talking further about that.
      Thank you and Blessings,
      Victoria Reddick


  4. Reblogged this on herbntrickster and commented:

    So many people ask me about Trillium so I am re posting it again.


  5. sharing your journey – so important – thank you!
    ” Everything you need is already inside of you.” and “remember this” – yes! wow 🙂


    1. Thanks Sarah! Love your Blog too..


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