Wellness Sessions With Victoria

Andean Despacho Ceremony

“The wound Is the place where the light enters you” 


Plant Spirit Medicine, Herbal, Shamanic, Creative, Inspirational                            Guidance and Energy Medicine Offerings

“I invite you to become a free range human”

I am here to assist you to be authentic in who you are. The amazing gifted genius you were meant to be and share the gift/gifts you came to share.

Creative, centered, balanced, self sourcing, guided by your own unique inspiration, wise autonomy, and connected to your highest vision of personal destiny.

I believe that healing ourselves is inseparable from healing our relationship with the living world-after all we are nature too.

My approach to this work is compassionate, practical, fierce and down to earth.

The revolution we want to see in the world starts inside each one of us.

Change yourself and change the world.

Below is a list of services that I offer.

Together we can create a session or set of sessions from these services tailored to your needs and vision for yourself.

“It is my primary goal to teach you tools that you can take away to help yourself.”

I am a trained guide, holistic facilitator, and sacred space holder but you must be willing to do the work no one else can do it for you.

Sacred Plant Medicine: I will guide you back into accord with your self, nature, with the healing plants. These sessions include in depth physical, mental and spiritual health consultation, time spent in nature with me as a guide, space holder and plant ally matchmaker assisting you to find your own personal plant helpers.

Plant spirit work, shamanic healing, medicine making time with me, includes tinctures, essences, and any other herbal medicines needed, crafting new ways of being to use in your own personal healing and whole-ing path.

I list the following offerings as possible treatment sessions.

It is at my discretion to help you choose which offering/offerings best suit your needs.

Past life regression

Soul retrieval

Depth Diagnosis

Equine/Human Heart Centered Sessions- These are co-facilitated with one of my 4 equine companions.

Balancing and harmonizing

Heavy stuck energy clearing

Andean Despacho ceremonies

Sacred Water Ceremony

Sacred Fire Ceremony

Ancestral Lineage Healing

Inner Child Work- Stephen Buhner calls this work “reclamation of the soul”.

Perelandra energy processes for energy clearing land and home.

Flower essence testing and treatment which includes a half ounce personal solution mix to take home and instructions.

Andean black stone healing

Entity removal and clearing

 Demonic possession removal and clearing-(this is an extremly rare occurrence but sometimes happens).


Mask making a journey to know self



Guided meditation

Body Speak Process

Song and Sound Healing

Story healing

Shamanic Journeying- Meet your power animals, guides and angels, travel to the Akashic records, Change contracts etc.

Healing with the Nature Spirits, Devas, and Fairies

Elemental Healing 

Create Your Vision Board

Create Sacred Art Some possible projects -listed below

Create your own inspiring transformational art work such as a collage, sculpture, wool felted art, mask , drum, rattle, talking stick, spirit doll, special altar, walking labyrinth, medicine wheel, or maybe a special healing garden, (the possibilities are endless). These offerings can be for an individual or for a small group. Please call for group pricing pricing dependent on how much time we spend together.

Sessions last a minimum of 1 hour.

“Healing is not a profession; it is a way of life. Exchange is not limited by money or one’s ability and so the sacred and beautiful are not commodified or commercialized. Your gift is a sacred responsibility. We are given gifts. These gifts are for the sake of the community. We add what we can to them. We pass them on. Such is the way of the authentic and meaningful life”.-Deena Metzger

Cost: Sliding scale $60-$120 per session

(no one turned away for lack of funds), possible work trade or other fair exchange for those without money.

Call to book your appointment.

For Real Estate/Land /Home Energy Clearings I charge a $300 Flat fee.

(360) 477-5985 

I have spent a lifetime since early childhood learning directly from the living world and the plants. I am ever humbled and inspired by this vast network of intelligent beings .

Here are a few of my human teachers and trainings:

Ordained minister, Reiki Master/Teacher, Masks of Power training way back in 1991 with Lynn Andrews, Certified Shamanic Healer Wirricocha Institute (Mary Blankenship PhD, Advanced Inca Energy Medicine Rainbow Jaguar Traditions (Jose Luis Hererra), 7 months total over a 2 year period in South America curendurismo training with many revered medicine people in Peru and Bolivia, Inca Sound Healing (Cecelia Montero), Celtic Mythology and Fairy Faith Traditions RJ Stewart and Steve Blamires, Scottish Gaelic (Tim Armstrong), Ecstatic Wisdom Postures Deborah Milton PhD, Permaculture training.

Associative Mythology, Rights of Passage, Storytelling with the late Daniel Deardorff (Mythsinger Foundation in Port Townsend USA), and Martin Shaw PhD (Westcountry School Of Myth in Devon UK), 3 years with Visionary activist Caroline Casey’s Coyote Trickster Mystery School,.

Many Plant and Herbal teachers including my gardening tree loving Nana Fran, Susun Weed, Ryan Drum PhD, Kiva Rose, James Greene, Jeanne Rose, and Stephen Buhner and many more. Most grateful to the many Indigenous teachers of this sacred land of North America including my Dine great auntie Eleanor Cleveland- traditional herbalist, my great grandfather Chay- a Dine 106 yr old roadman renown healer (now ancestors), Lester Greene adopted dad and Makah elder now ancestor, and many more not named here, I honor you all and am so grateful.IMG_2015





bird light blue

2 thoughts on “Wellness Sessions With Victoria

  1. Positive Feedback Regarding My Session with Victoria:

    I can’t say enough good about Victoria and how she helped me deal with a current crisis in my life which centered around grief work and feelings of self loathing. Victoria is compassionate, intelligent, nonjudgmental and listens from a place of wisdom deep within. She gave me direction, assurance and a plan to proceed with exercises in working through my pain. She encouraged me to set boundaries with persons in my life who I had allowed to sap my positive energy and make my life a place of hell on earth.

    My pain and self-imposed burdens made me feel hopeless. Victoria showed me how my feelings were surfacing at a time when I was open to allowing them in, and they were there for a reason. She gave me specific methods to address those feelings and move forward at my own pace. She will be working with me on mask-art healing exercises to address the many aspects of my Self that have something to say.

    I have been to many counselors and psychiatrists, and Victoria is one of the best emotional counselors/healers I have talked to. She has a background that spans diverse categories and is unique in her approach to each situation. She is a spiritual guide who is also very down to earth. Ever since our session, I have hope and I am being active in my own survival.

    (At this time, because of my mental health history, I still have my psychiatric medications monitored by a psychiatrist, but the emotional constraints that bound me and my lack of desire to continue living were areas that Victoria helped me improve. I wasn’t getting that need met by the psychiatrist.)

    Victoria was able to honor the place that I was in and helped me take action toward the healing of my wounded core Self. She has an amazing background that adds to her base of knowledge and experience, and she can guide a person to a healing place no matter which path his or her life may be on. I highly recommend this amazing woman as a counselor, life coach, teacher and art therapist.

    Thank you, Victoria, so very much.


  2. Hey Victoria,
    Just an update on our last session together; I was surprised by the energy generated and the clarity that followed. Your intuition was spot-on, honing in on stuff I wasn’t aware was even there. I have found a new self-care tool for sure. Your ability to take me to where I needed to be is impressive. I came away with much more than I could have imagined possible. You’re the best and I look forward to working with you in the future.


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